Saturday, May 17, 2008

:: Impeccable Diet ::

I was having a debate with Muazzam last weekend about diet. Together with us, of course Mr. Iman Mishary Zafran. I guess he's just being never ending frowned judges. Firstly we went to drive thru McD to get some munchies (some munchies?!! I wonder we call McD Mega Mac some munchies!! hahaha) Actually we didn't take our lunch yet....(uwhhh..alright, whateva)

I have ordered Spicy Chicken McDeluxe well Muazzam with his LE Mega Mac. I can sniffed out his yummilicious, scrumptious Mega Mac when he opened up the box but i pretended like i did not have binge on it at all. Inside... i was screaming like least he offered me a bite! And then... he offered me 'You wanna have a bite?' Offer came right after he wolfed down almost all of it. He left me a little tiny piece of that Limited Edition Mega Mac!! Well...tragically, i ate it.

Ok, back to the topic on diet, i just 'brained out' the theories that i browsed from the books, internet, mags about diet, how to curb our cravings, how to control our eating binge bla..bla..bla.. i have read a lot about it but i remember only some of it. For example to make sure you get good shape; eat before 7pm, some experts says don't eat after midnight, some says we should empty our stomach after 10pm and bla bla bla... Well, different experts different theories. As life speeds up, the craving is speeding even faster! Look at the foods now, Ooo myy... even donuts..they commercialized it and come with tasty topping until i got drooling!

Enough ramblings on diet theories plus Muazzam's theories some more...the he came out with one beautiful concept of diet, exquisite.... He told me "We can eat/drink anytime we want, moslem diet should take this as a guide

Firman Allah;

Makan dan minumlah, tapi jangan berlebihan (Surah Al Araf: 31) then he added

Sabda Nabi Muhammad SAW;

Makan ketika lapar, berhenti sebelum kenyang

If we follow this, InsyaALLAH we are going to be ok! Why not we follow this? Why we need to memorize and follow all that kapir punya diet!!"

Bingo! He is absolutely 100% right and i just got a 'twinge' on my head and face when i heard that. I have to admit i have slipped my mind about this beautiful diet, how could i! Ya ALLAH ampunilah hambaMu yang hina ini....
I would like to end my writings with these beautiful words below;
Sabda Rasulullah SAW, maksudnya;

Tidak ada tempat yang lebih buruk jika ia dipenuhi oleh anak Adam, iaitu perutnya. Cukuplah makan beberapa suap sahaja untuk menegakkan (menguatkan) tulang rusuknya. Walau bagaimanapun jika ingin makan banyak juga, janganlah melebihi, iaitu cukuplah dengan mengisi perut, sepertiga untuk makanan, sepertiga untuk air dan sepertiga lagi untuk nafas (udara)" (Riwayat Ahmad dan At Tirmizi)

Thursday, May 08, 2008

:: The Burgeoning Of Mother's Love ::

Mother’s Day is just around the corner… this weekend. When I was at yahoo page, the ads on Mother’s Day were there. When I switched on tv, the ads were there too, it coloured the tv screen. With bouquet of pink roses, boxes of gift….. I just stared at those ads…with my eyes watered. And when I turned on the radio, I heard a song by Boyz 2 Men – Mama. Again my tears dropped.

Last weekend my mother in law came to my house. I gave her a set of tupperware as mother’s day gift. Although the special day will be on May 11, I don't want to wait, no more waiting, I really learnt a lot from the past.

I read back my previous post - HAPPY MOTHER’S AND FATHER’S DAY. I cried like a baby. When I wrote that, I still have my parents. Then I let myself diving into the sea, searching for treasures called MEMORIES. As a prevalence, I will always wish my mother over the phone. Then I will take her out for lunch or dinner and not to forget, get her a gift. How can I forget those sweet things….

I still remember one day when I was so stubborn and angry if my mother said NO to my request, then my mother said, “Please listen to me, this is for your own good. One day if you have children then you know how I feel, why i do this and that, you will know...”
And I still remember one day when I was slothful to help her to do housework, let my bedroom cluttered, then my mother will definitely nagging at me and i will definitely putting my long face and sitting over the couch and pretending like nothing happen. That was used to be my not so good things, and now those not so good thing becomes sweet thing, in fact that was the sweetest things ever happened in my life, i miss all those things mak...I miss your voice telling me not to do this and that, I miss your voice giving me advises.....

Now I know how my mother feels….indeed! I am a mother now. Even Zafran is still a baby, I can feel how uneasy being a mother….I can feel the sacrifices that my mom had made just to make sure we have a good life. I know you did the best for us! Until now i can't find someone or something that can replace your love, your touch....i can't mak...

The burgeoning of mother's love is boundless. It will keep on growing rapidly, unbounded. A mother - is the epitome of great love. I would like to wish HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL THE MOTHERS OUT THERE including myself!
Without you
I won't be able to see the world
Without you
I won't be able to step on the earth
Without you
I won't be able to see the star, the sun and the moon
Without you
I won't be what i am now
Without you
I won't be here to let out my feelings
It is all because of you!

AL FATIHAH untuk mak n abah.

:: Muse - Unintended ::