Sunday, April 04, 2010

:: Venomous Words, The Murderer ::

Sometimes what you want is not what you get. And you feel devasted!

"Don't hope for something that obviously you know they are not meant for you"

Who told you this?

And how do you know that the person is not meant for you?

Sometimes you don't realize something that you don't wish for, could clouding your life with happiness forever! I see this happen in my life and yet it does happen in someone's life that i know. Thank you ALLAH.

Back in 2006 if i am not mistaken i blogged about friendship. About friendship that i have, about friends that very close to me. Friend... is ubiquitous but true friend is hardly to find. They are like a pearl, to get them, you have to dive deep down the ocean. Thru the hardship then only you find true friend. And again i thank you ALLAH for giving me a 'Fantastic 3'.

True friend is always trying to understand the emotion, the feeling of each other. Sharing beautiful moments together, not only sharing good things together, it means more than that. To me, when we talk about friendship, there are elements in friendship which very important to me. One of them ~ always trying to take care of each other's feeling. When this element takes top priority, and then there are questions - How honest are we? How sincere are we? Seriously aku jujur dan ikhlas! (aku ketawa)

But sometimes there is a friend who so easily says harsh words to her/his friend, a friend that they claimed to be so true friend. I don't understand why is this thing happened? Adakah kurang pendidikan? (Hahaha) Don't they know sometimes the venomous word is actually the murderer? Just like a poison, they slowly kill the friendship. If you love the friendship, stop syringing the venom into it. Start saying nice words to your friend, it is not gonna cost you a cent, though!
Like a torchlight, torching the darkness

Like a medicine, stopping the pain

Like a brush, painting the perfect picture

Like a radio, spinning the nice song

Like an aircond, cooling the room

Like a true love, giving the true happiness...

That's the true friends are for. As a true friend, see always good things in each other, leave the bad things behind. As a true friend, say always nice things to each other, the venomous words shouldn't have slipped out the mouth. Sometimes when trying to sound flippant, we don't realize that our friends are offended by the words we say. As we are human being, we make mistake. But when the same mistake occurs, i believe there is only one person to blame for the situation, and that is YOU!

:: Muse - Unintended ::